From the Pastor’s Desk …

To the Gracious and Loving Round Valley UMC Congregation:

On behalf of my wife, Jeanne, our children, Esther and Tim, and myself, I want to sincerely thank all of you for the numerous ways you have welcomed us into your lovely Church and community. From the moment we arrived to the scent of fresh paint and cleaning fluid and the refrigerator filled with food, we knew that the people of Round Valley Church (and Changewater as well) were special, extending your gracious hospitality to us after sacrificing many hours fixing and cleaning the parsonage from the front porch to the kitchen floor. We thank God and thank each of you for receiving us to be part of your ministry here. You are blessing to us, and we pray that we may bless your lives.

Summer means all kinds of wonderful things: flowers and bugs, leisure and fun, cookouts, trips to the mountainside or shore (I know we are already at the shore, so I mean the “beach”), plays in the park, and best of all, vacation. It's time for us to lighten up both our clothing and work schedules. After a long year of school and work, we all need some rest and recreation. True recreation means to "RECREATE.” It is actually a very holy and spiritual experience.


We take "time off" to rest, to be "re­created." Some of us will go off to a busy street in a foreign land and some to a quiet place locally. Others may stay where they are. Wherever we might be, let’s try to be renewed both physically and spiritually during this time of recreation. So we go on summer vacation with Jesus, never from Jesus. To help us have a marvelous




Christian recreation this summer here are a few spiritual suggestions:


- Enjoy some "holy” and “fun” things. Allow your contemplative side to flower (watch a sailboat glide; listen to the birds sing; make a sand castle; have close-up looks at nature).

- Deepen your devotional life (relish the "Word of Life" in Holy Scripture; plunge into private prayer).

- Faithfully attend church either here at home or elsewhere when you are away (and I MEAN IT!).

-  Remember the needy (invite a lonely neighbor over for a barbecue; help sponsor an inner city youngster for summer camp, etc.).

- And don’t forget to include useful and spiritual books in your reading lists.  

My recent reading from Hans Kung, one of the major Christian theologians of the 20th century, gave an important insight why and how I be a “committed” Christian. Kung says, “because I believe in the Spirit of Jesus Christ, who is alive today, who is the Spirit of God himself who is the Holy Spirit. This living Spirit enables me and countless others to be truly human: not only to act in a truly human way, but also to suffer; not only to live, but also to die-because in everything, both positive and negative, in all happiness and unhappiness… (Why I am Still a Christian, Abingdon, 1987)

Yes, this living Spirit also works both during “regular” seasons as well as “off” seasons. This summer months can be a golden time for this spiritual experience. Wherever you go, please take this Spirit of Jesus with you.

God bless you even in your “RECREATION”!

Pastor Paek


The Endless Summer– a note from the editor

Many of you might remember the movie, The Endless Summer, a tale of a couple of surfers who travel the world chasing the perfect wave.  I only wish my life could be as romantic – my endless summer is more like a just a lot of hot and humid days.  By August we grow rather tired of the heat and our gardens are no longer blooming with the abundance of spring and early summer.  The days are starting to grow shorter and soon the kids will return to school and it will be time for the annual celebration in Lebanon known as “The Town Garage Sale”. 

In spite of the heat, it has been a summer filled with wonderful music.  From the Marching Bands on the Fourth of July, to Jennie and Tim Paek filling our church with amazing music to the Plymouth Fife and Drum corp – we have shared this music along with the fellowship of RVUMC. 

I look forward to the cooler fall nights, football and the events that have become a tradition for our church.  This year I would like to start a new tradition – Pork and Pies!  The idea is simple, a savory Pork roast dinner with home made pies.  I’ll be starting a sign up sheet in August and select a date in October for our dinner.  Whether you dine or volunteer to help serve or cook, it’s bound to be a great event.





Don’t Forget – Mark Your Calendars!

Volunteer at Norwescap Food bank in September – Saturday (date to be confirmed) – Youth welcome!  Contact Deb Rosene for information.

September 11th – 7a – 2p

Lebanon Annual Town Garage Sale!

Remember – as you clean out your basement, attic, etc. – bring your gently used toys, books, household items, small furniture items, clothes, etc. for the church to sell.

Please keep items at your home until the week of the sale.  We will mark the pews to organize merchandise.  If possible, price and tag items before bringing to chruch – this will be a tremendous help!!

We will also have a food stand in front of the chruch selling hot dogs, soda, BBQ, and baked goods. 

Help is needed on Thursday, Friday and Saturday – more information to follow.  Contact Arlene Lane if you would like to volunteer or have questions about donations.

Have an event you would like to include in the newsletter?  Please provide information to Deb.  Deadline for next newsletter is August 29th.




More Events!!

Youth Ice Cream Social – Friday August 27 7-8:30p All children and youths are invited to attend with their families

Sunday school kick-off – Sunday September 12th

Installation Service for Rev Andrew Paek followed by a pot-luck luncheon in Fellowship Hall.  We will be joined by our sister churches Changewater and High Bridge UMC

News from Staff Parish

RVUMC hosted the Plymouth Fife and Drum Corps the first four days of August.  The group is made up of 45-50 students ranging in age from 12 -18. They dress in Revolutionary war uniforms exactly the same as George Washington’s Life Guard which was the Secret Service of the time. Their music is performed with 10-holed wooden fifes, rope tensioned snare and base drums while additional members carry replica swords and muskets.

As a thank you to our church for providing lodging for three nights, the group put on a performance at the Lebanon Borough Park on Tuesday, August 2nd.  A half hour performance followed by a question and answer session with interested adults and children was a wonderful gift to the community.  While visiting our area, the Corps also performed at the Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty and Morristown.  After leaving Lebanon they will travel on to performances at Washington’s Crossing State Park and Washington D.C to Arlington cemetary and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.


Supporting the students is a dedicated group of 10-15 parents who provide the organization needed to keep the corps on track and on schedule.  Organizing a group of this size is similar to a small army and witnessing the precision involved in the simplest activities was quite amazing.  Every detail was considered and every action was planned. 

The Plymouth Fife and Drum Corps have been together over 25 years.  They have a Facebook page and additional information is available on various internet sites via Google.

Youth Happenings Sandy Dabb attended Camp Aldersgate as a counselor from 8/1 -8/7.  Their mission is the following;

Our mission here at Aldersgate Camp & Retreat Center is to intentionally provide for the faith development of individuals of all ages in Christ and in Christian community within the natural beauty of God’s creation.  This can be remembered by three visible and ever present camp symbols.  The first part is the campfire representing God’s presence when we gather in His name, the second is the bridge representing our connections in Christian community and the third is the mountains reminding us of God’s beautiful creation.  So as you spend time around the fire or every time you light a candle, remember God’s presence and ask Him for eyes to see and ears to hear.  And every time you cross a bridge say a prayer of thanks for the connection we have to others in community and ask God to help you forge new connections.  And when you are walking around camp or in your community don’t forget to look around, take a deep breath and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. Enjoy God.  To God alone be the glory. 




What a wonderful way to recreate. Four of our youth attended.  Sandy would like to thank the RVUMC Women’s group who contributed          $ 150.00 to help defray costs.




8/11 Lorena and Tayllor Cuningham

8/18 Emma Patuto

 8/19 Alice Mae Brokaw

8/22  Jennifer Patuto

8/23  Leona Burton